A Masonic Thought – picked up from the Internet: You all should notice, it is common for a new member to come aboard, look around and suggest things to be done to improve Masonry. But their background understanding is business were the top does the management. They get further miss information when they learn…
The Origin of the Lewis – by WB Bill Douglas, Kenilworth Lodge #29 To find the origin of the Lewis in Freemasonry we have to go back to operative masonry in 12th century Scotland. Sometime in the middle of the 12th century, Kilwinning Abbey was built in the west of Scotland, and as the Scottish…
I Am The Guardian Kenneth B. deMoss, PM – Hope Lodge #145 Lafayette, Louisiana I am the gatekeeper and silent guardian of the inner door. I sit quietly within the confines of your lodge mostly ignored and unnoticed by its members. Non-members who visit your lodge seldom if ever see me or me give…
Women in Freemasonry The Beehive By Fred Milliken The following article originally ran in the September 2005 issue of Masonic Magazine. It was somewhere around two years ago that I read some material on the changing direction of men’s and women’s career paths. It seems more and more guys are stopping at a High…
Internet Lodge 9659 United Grand Lodge of England Province of East Lancashire. Title: I Am Regular Author: Bro Karen Kidd – United States of America This paper won the World Award in 2007, for the best short paper submitted by a Mason who was not a member of a Lodge in the United Grand Lodge…
How fortunate our lodge is that you are a member. THE AGED AND INFIRM BRETHREN Our lodge has many members who are unable to attend regularly as their bodies are failing them now. Know that your many years of service are not forgotten my brother. And know that you are not forgotten. We will…
Just for something different, here is a link to back issues of an extinct Masonic Magazine. It was published by Bro. Robert Herd from 2011 to 2016. LIVING STONES MASONIC MAGAZINE “Living Stones Masonic Magazine was a monthly magazine that I published for nearly 6 years. Like many publications before it, the dwindling number of…
THE FOUNDATION STONE By Bro. N. Vallely; Published in SELECTED PAPERS September 1962 Vol. 3; United Masters Lodge, No. 167; Auckland, New Zealand. It has been edited by V.Wor. Bro. Barry D. Thom P.M. Lodge McLeod #27 Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador March 2007 (12 mins.) While customs continue on, the…
What does a Mason Build? – From an address given by R.W. Bro. Myron Lusk, Grand Lodge of Alberta (date unknown) What does a Mason build, and when will the building be completed? Although, of course, our heritage is that of the Operative Masons who built the magnificent cathedrals we now marvel at as…
What is meant by ‘Travel In Foreign Countries?’ Our ancient operative Brethren desired to become Masters so, when they traveled in foreign countries, they could still practice their craft. Speculative Freemasons still desire to “travel in foreign countries” and study their Craft that they may receive such instruction as will enable them to…