Fidelity, Masonry and Christmas A Story There it sat, wrapped in green paper with drawings of little candy canes, surrounded by a carefully-tied broad red ribbon. The smell of the cookies inside the package lingered in the air. The Master’s wife had baked several dozen of the Christmas treats and put them into little…
A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Grand Lodge Bulletin December 1969 Bro. J. W. Roberts, Grand Chaplin (1969), Grand Master (1998) [Honorary Life Member of Beacon #190] The message of Christmas is a universal one, although a Christian Festival, the joy and expectations of the season transcends creeds and definitive theology and creates in man renewed…
Why Are We Here – Presented at Beacon #190 November 28, 2016 Forward Since the beginning of time men of needed a place to share ideas, values, and opinions. This short little commentary is a combination of those 3 reflected by the Author only. By no means does it reflect the teachings of his lodge or…
The Darkest Light in Lodge Bro. R Longpre Beacon Lodge #190 November 26, 2016 What is the darkest light in lodge? This is a question that was proposed to me several months back by our WM. When I first heard the question, I was a bit confused. On the surface the question seems to…
Charity & Benevolence The Easy Way Out By W. Bro. James Chisholm, Corinthian Lodge No. 96, G. R. C. As we are informed when becoming a new Freemason, the distinguishing characteristic of a Mason’s heart is his charity or benevolence. These two words are sometimes interchangeable as they have somewhat different yet similar…
This paper is adapted from “The Lodge Plan for Masonic Education”, Mentor’s Guide, Published by the Grand Lodge of Alberta A.F. &A.M., August 1974 THE MASON AS A CITIZEN In the Old Charges it is laid down as a fundamental law of the old Craft that “a Mason is to be a peaceable…
Did you ever wonder what came before the Grand Lodge of Alberta, A.F.& A.M. and what influenced the Lodge we know today? Copied from the “History of the Grand Lodge of Alberta 1905 – 1980”
THE VISITING BROTHER by: Unknown The Lodge of Antiquity (England) possesses an old Masonic document written during the reign of James II between 1685 and 1688; in it appears the following: “that every Mason receive and cherish strange fellows, when they come over the country, and set the mon to work, if they will work,…
More Light! Number 280 – May 31, 2010 What is meant by ‘Travel In Foreign Countries?’ -Excerpts from “Foreign Countries” by Carl H. Claudy Our ancient operative Brethren desired to become Masters so, when they travelled in foreign countries, they could still practice their craft. Speculative Freemasons still desire to “travel in foreign…
Mediocrity in Masonry . . . Shame on us! BY: ROBERT G. DAVIS, 33*, GRAND CROSS One of the questions that occasionally eats at me when I am driving home from a Masonic event, degree, or function that has been woefully mediocre is how our members can sit through such Masonic happenings month after…