About Our Lodge - Visitors Welcome

Freemason Hall, Red Deer Alberta

4811 - 52 Street

Red Deer, AB Canada

Beacon #190 is a Canadian Rite Lodge, on the registrar of the Grand Lodge of Alberta. We meet in the Freemason Hall on the 4th Monday of each month, except July, August, and December. Lodge tyles at 7:30 pm and is often preceded by a dinner starting at 6:30 pm.  On Degree nights there is no dinner and Lodge tyles at 7:00 pm.  Installation of Officers takes place on the 1st Saturday of December.

Parking:  Paid parking is available on the front street (Hot Spot zone 4002) on weekdays from 8 AM to 5 PM.  Free street parking after 5 PM plus weekends & statutory holidays and in the parking lot after 5:30 pm.

Lodge Officers

Ben Croped

W. Bro. Ben Richards

Worshipful Master

Dax Cropped

Bro. Dax Williams

Senior Warden

Carston Cropped 2

Bro. Carston Schmutzer

Junior Warden

Keith Croped

RW Bro. Keith Davis

Secretary / Treasurer

Officers 2024 at installation cropped