Charity & Benevolence The Easy Way Out By W. Bro. James Chisholm, Corinthian Lodge No. 96, G. R. C. As we are informed when becoming a new Freemason, the distinguishing characteristic of a Mason’s heart is his charity or benevolence. These two words are sometimes interchangeable as they have somewhat different yet similar…
Month: November 2016
This paper is adapted from “The Lodge Plan for Masonic Education”, Mentor’s Guide, Published by the Grand Lodge of Alberta A.F. &A.M., August 1974 THE MASON AS A CITIZEN In the Old Charges it is laid down as a fundamental law of the old Craft that “a Mason is to be a peaceable…
Did you ever wonder what came before the Grand Lodge of Alberta, A.F.& A.M. and what influenced the Lodge we know today? Copied from the “History of the Grand Lodge of Alberta 1905 – 1980”