Month: July 2022

July 24, 2022 Clark No comments exist

An article by VW Bro. Barry D. Thom, St. Clair Lodge # 577 GL of Canada in the Prov. of Ontario (copied from Freemasons of Manitoba eNews July 24, 2022) . I was asked me if I would compose a paper on the Masonic ring. At that point, I had never thought about this as…

July 10, 2022 Clark No comments exist

“Well, I know you’ll be glad to hear I am through learning the Work!” announced a young brother to the Old Past Master, “One more lesson and I’ll know all about Masonry!” “That’s fine, son. I congratulate you!” answered the Old Past Master. “Some conceit!” murmured another brother, as the satisfied young brother moved away….

July 3, 2022 Clark No comments exist

-by: WB Bill Douglas I have chosen rhetoric as the subject of this short paper because it is something that affects us in our everyday lives and particularly in the lodge.   We live in a multicultural society. Not just because it embodies the cultures of different nations, but also the cultures of different provinces,…