Beacon Bookstore

History Of The Grand Lodge of Alberta 1905 – 1980


"History of the Grand Lodge of Alberta 1905 - 1980", by MW Bro. J.W. Collett - G.M. Grand Lodge of Alberta 1964 - was republished to make it available in digital format as well as a coil bound paperback.  I understand hard covered copies are still available from the Grand Lodge of Alberta.***

Open book at page 3

Masonic Papers and Addresses" A collection of papers by MW Bro. (Rev) James W.  Roberts (deceased), G.M. of the Grand Lodge of Alberta in 1998.  Originally complied by VW Bro. Harry Noble Britannia Lodge #18 in 1995.  Updated and expanded version presented to MW Bro. Roberts, as the guest of honour, at the Masonic Spring Workshop in 2009, marking the occasion of his 50 years in Freemasonry.  ***

Masonic Etiquettes

"Masonic Etiquettes" Was First published in 1994 by W Bro Harry J Noble (deceased), Past Master of Britannia Lodge #18 in Ponoka Alberta, Canada.  Re-published in 2008.  ***

***  The above digital copies are free for personal use, (Click on the book to open) however, these three books may also be purchased in printed format via:
"The Beacon-Bookstore" on
They will be printed on demand and shipped directly to you.

A portion of the proceeds goes to Masonic Charity.