Central District
Concordant Masonic Bodies
Membership in the Concordant organizations requires a current membership in,
(or in the case of the Order of Eastern Star an association with)
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry Of Canada
Central Alberta Lodge Of Perfection
- Masonic Hall 4722-49B Ave, Lacombe, AB
- Third Tuesday except for July & August
- Festive Board 6:30 pm, Supper 7:00 pm
- Lodge Tyles at 8:00 pm
- Contact: Ill Bro. Davis (Sec.)

Royal Arch Masons of Alberta
Keystone Chapter #12
- Freemason Hall, 4811-52nd St, Red Deer, AB
- Third Monday except Jul & August
- 7:30 pm
- Contact: Comp. Daryl Holien
Grand Chapter of Alberta - Order of Eastern Star
Mountain View #1
- Masonic Hall 47 Street & 48 Ave Olds, AB
- Second Tuesday - Dark Jan. & Feb.
- 7:30 pm
Venus #2
- Masonic Hall 4811 - 52 St, Red Deer, AB
- Second Monday - Oct: 2nd Wednesday
- 7:30 pm
Alexandra #4
- Masonic Temple 4722 - 49B Ave, Lacombe, AB
- Second Tuesday
- 7:30 pm
Innisfail #37
- Masonic Hall, 104,4612-50 Ave, Innisfail, AB
- First Thursday
- 7:30 pm
Red Deer Shrine Club
- 3rd Wednesday except for July & August
- Freemason Hall
- 4811-52nd St, Red Deer, AB
- 6:00 pm
- Contact: Ken Wigmore