Category: Freemasonry

June 19, 2022 Clark No comments exist

  Before I began to lose my eyesight I was what the bookstores refer to as an avid reader.   When I found or got word of an interesting book, I’d go and buy it and read it from cover to cover, including the preface, the introduction, the list of illustrations, everything, and if it…

June 12, 2022 Clark No comments exist

GOING so soon?” asked the Old Tiler, as the New Brother reached for his hat and coat.   “I have a most important Masonic mission to perform,” answered the New Brother, importantly.   “That’s interesting,” answered the Old Tiler. “I like to see new brethren so interested they are trusted with important Masonic missions. Care…

June 5, 2022 Clark No comments exist

We have the meanest Master in captivity!” stormed the New Brother to the Old Tiler. “Softly, softly!” cautioned the Old Tiler. “What has the poor man done now?” “Refused to help me out of trouble!” answered the New Brother. “And he could have done it, just as easy. . . . ” “Tell me about…

May 29, 2022 Clark No comments exist

Written by Dan Doron (found online in 2011)         From time to time it’s not a bad idea to stop and think a bit.   We are all familiar with the definition of Freemasonry as ‘a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in allegories and described by symbols’. This definition is so wide, that although it…

May 15, 2022 Clark No comments exist

I never saw much point in this joke about ‘sitting up with the sick,’” began the New Brother to the Old Tiler, “but since I joined the lodge I do. I used to think it was a pretty idea; that a lodge member should sit up with a sick brother seemed real brotherhood. Now I…

May 8, 2022 Clark No comments exist

“There are a lot of Masons in this old lodge tonight” began the Old Past Master. “See the new faces? Must be most two hundred. Pretty good attendance, what?” “But is it a good attendance?” asked the Very New Mason. “Why, there must be six hundred members on the rolls. Seems a pity they can’t…

May 1, 2022 Clark No comments exist

IT’S DISGUSTING!” began the New Brother. “Morton must think more of his stomach than he does of his Masonry. Insisting on expensive refreshments for ladies’ night. What’s the use of a ladies’ night, anyhow? Jenkins is trying to start a ball game and Elliot wants a picnic! All this isn’t Masonry!” “Why isn’t it?” asked…

April 24, 2022 Clark No comments exist

Anonymous The nicest thing happened in lodge tonight,” began the New Brother enthusiastically to the Old Tiler in the anteroom. “I don’t know when I have been more touched.”   “Tell me about it,” suggested the Old Tiler.   “Brother Wells said he had received an anonymous letter from some brother of the lodge inclosing…

April 17, 2022 Clark No comments exist

“I heard the most curious tale,” began the New Brother, seating himself beside the Old Tyler during refreshment. “Shoot!” commanded the Old Tyler. “Friend of mine belongs to a big city lodge. Seems they elected a chap to become a member –  but when he took the degree he stopped the work to ask for…

April 10, 2022 Clark No comments exist

“I am much disturbed!” announced the New Brother to the Old Tiler. “Tell me about it.  I have oil for troubled waters.  If your water on the brain is disturbed, maybe I can soothe it!” “I doubt it!  I heard the name of Bedford Jones-Smith read out in lodge tonight as a petitioner.  I don’t…