Our lodge has many members who are unable to attend regularly as their bodies are failing them now. Know that your many years of service are not forgotten my brother. And know that you are not forgotten. We will now come to your home as brothers and as friends for as long as you wish as we know it is impossible for you to come to us.
Thanks for all you have taught us over your many years of service. How fortunate our lodge is that you are a member. How fortunate our community is you were a mason. You are my brother.
Our lodge has many brothers who are past masters, past Grand lodge officers and past Grand Masters. You are the true MM of the lodge. Please know how much we appreciate you. There are many new MM’s but just because we wear the same badge we are still more deserving of the FC title. I must rank myself among this type of MM, for I have far to go to know only a portion of your great knowledge. How fortunate our lodge is that you are a member. You are my brother
Our lodge has those brethren who are considered ritualists seemingly unyielding on the perfection of the work. Please know how much we appreciate you. You realize as we get further from the source how important it is to keep the work as pure to the original as possible so the true meaning is not lost. You must also realize the candidate has but one opportunity to be received and one opportunity to be passed and one opportunity to be raised and yes deserves the best we can give. The secrets and beauty of masonry is in the experience. How fortunate our lodge is that you are a member. You are my brother
Our lodge has those brethren who are somewhat lenient then the ritualist as to the letter perfectness of the work and the correctness of all ceremonies. Please know how much we appreciate you. You must realize that not every new candidate can remember all the words when called on. You must also realize the poor fellow must be nervous as he is called on to prove his proficiency. We are all truly blessed you are a member of our lodge as you make all feel at ease. How fortunate our lodge is that you are a member. You are my brother
Our lodge has many brothers who appear to be uninvolved. Please know how much we appreciate you. The fact that you have come out to be present so our candidates are not confronted with an empty lodge when the blindfold is lifted is greatly appreciated. I also see your deep reflection on the hidden meaning behind the hidden meaning. How fortunate our lodge is that you are a member. You are my brother
Our lodge has those brothers who are always stepping up to represent, to attend, to assist. Please know how much we appreciate you. You must know how important it is to keep the lodge functioning. Prepare the many meals, volunteering at the many events, send out the many notices, and hold the offices more then once when needed; prepare the lodge for visitors, set up the lodge to ensure the new members have a great experience. How fortunate our lodge is that you are a member. You are my brother
Our lodge has those brethren who come seldom. Please know how much we appreciate you. We know you vocation and family commitments are keeping you from regularly attending but it is always so good to see you when you can make it. I see the eyes of your old friends light up when they see you come through the door. It is always good to see you so come when you can. How fortunate our lodge is that you are a member. You are my brother
Our lodge has many visitors. You must know how important it is to support each other in those times when the support is needed. Your visits are very important and such a wonderful experience for all masons. The fact that we can all be welcomed as brothers in each others lodges is truly a most special privilege of the fraternity. We will come and visit you soon as you always make us feel so welcome at your lodge. How fortunate we are that you are a mason. You are my brother
Finally, our lodge has a new candidate outside the door. You are about to be emitted to the most wonderful fraternity on earth. Please know how much we appreciate you. We will now put you through the first degree. With the collective effort of all the wisdom we have gained from those brothers you do not see for they are aged or infirm, or from the ritualist who kept us from straying from the perfectness of the work, from the more lenient brethren that has put you at ease and made you feel most welcome, from the more senior brethren who we have been able to consult for our own understanding of why you will be conducted in a peculiar manner, The quite and seemingly uninvolved who have come out tonight for you, the core who set up the lodge, made the coffee, shoveled the walk, ensured all was in place. Our visitors who have traveled far to meet you, and Thanks to you for as I learned the part I am to present tonight I was able to discover some more of the hidden mysteries and secrets that until now had eluded me. How fortunate our lodge is that you are a member.
Welcome brother
Written by; Bro. Scott Wambolt, Beacon #190