“A Cornerstone’ is defined as “a cubical or rectangular polished stone at a corner of a building near the foundation but not part of the foundation and high enough to be easily read, having carved on it the name of the owner or purpose of the structure, the date of the erection and sometimes other data. Such a stone is frequently made hollow and, at the time it is laid, is filled with various articles current at the time which it is believed will be interesting to those who remove the building at some distant future date. These mementoes may be coins, books, newspapers, city directories, etc. The cornerstone should be placed in the northeast corner of a Masonic building, but that is not always convenient. Cornerstones of Masonic structure always, and of other edifices sometimes, are laid with symbolic ceremonies by the officers of the Grand Lodge having jurisdiction at the place.” [Coils Masonic Encyclopedia, revised ed., 1995, p. 154]
“The cornerstone is considered by Operative Masons as the most important stone in the edifice. It is laid with impressive ceremonies; the assistance of Speculative Masons is often, and ought always to be, invited to give dignity to the occasion; and for this purpose Freemasonry has provided and especial ritual which is to govern the proper performance of that duty.”
“The symbolism of the corner-stone when duly laid with Masonic rites is full of significance, which refers to its form, to its situation, to its permanence, and to its consecration.” [Mackay’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry]
1890, July 21st. Water Works Building Calgary
This is the first occasion of a public ceremony in Calgary. R.W.Bro. D.J. Campbell, D.D.G.M. of Macleod, acting for the Grand Master of Manitoba, officiated at this cornerstone laying.
1895, August 26th: All Saints’ Anglican Church Town of Edmonton
V.W. Bro. C.W. Sutter, acting for the Grand Master of Manitoba (M.W. Bro. Charles Napier Bell). Presided at a meeting held in the town of Edmonton, Alberta, and officiated at the laying of the cornerstone of All Saints’ Anglican Church.
“The rector and officers of the church received and welcomed the brethren, and Rev. Brother Alfred Stunden invoked a blessing on the proceedings. After the ceremony, Brother Sutter was presented with a trowel suitably inscribed.” [Douglas, William: Freemasonry in Manitoba, p. 208]
1899, September 4th: St. Luke’s Anglican Church Village of Red Deer
In 1899, while Red Deer Lodge was under dispensation, a special communication of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba was held. On September 4th, 1899, for the purpose of laying the cornerstone of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in the Village of Red Deer, the local Masons met at the Public Schoolhouse and marched to the site of St. Luke’s Church.
The corner stone of the Church was laid by R.W. Bro. Eugene Nelson Brown, D.D.G.M., of the 9th Masonic District, G.R.M., as acting Grand Master.
“The cornerstone had deposited in it a scroll recording that it was laid in the “sixty-third year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign, Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and the colonies:. It also contained a copy of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba and current issues of the Edmonton Bulletin, the Calgary Herald, the Calgary Tribune, the Manitoba Free Press and the first issue of the Edmonton Post.” [Collett’s History of the GRAND LODGE OF ALBERTA (1905 - 1980), p. 16]
The formal portion of this public ceremony was brought to a close with an eloquent and instructive address from M.W. Bro. Rev. James Dallas O;Meara, D.D., Past Grand Master, and the brethren then proceeded to the Lodge Room of Red Deer Lodge.
1902, April 29th: Edmonton Public School Edmonton
“Grand Lodge met at the Masonic Hall, Edmonton, Alberta, 29th April, 1902. And Right Worshipful Brother Braithwaite, Grand Senior Warden, acted as Grand Master. The purpose of this meeting was to lay the cornerstone of Edmonton Public School. The usual procession was formed, and on arrival at the site, the members of the Craft were received by the Chairman and members of the School Board.” [Douglas, William: Freemasonry in Manitoba, 1864 - 1925, p.210]
Queens Avenue School contained 10 rooms and was built at a cost of $30,000.00.
When it was demolished in 1949, a tin box containing scrolls, newspapers, coins,, stamps, oats and other mementos of the day were found in the cornerstone.
1907, August 30th: ‘Alexander Taylor’ Public School City of Edmonton
Performed by M.W. Bro. Hedley C. Taylor, Grand Master at the request of the Public School Board of Edmonton, (Alex Taylor was the chairman of the Board of School Trustees).
“At this time the City of Edmonton consisted of between fifteen and sixteen thousand people. The school population at this time was about 1800, requiring a staff of 39 teachers.”
A procession formed under the direction of the acting Grand Director of Ceremonies, and marched to the site in prescribed order taking their proper positions at the northeast corner of the building.
A suitable address was delivered by Hon. W. Bro. Rutherford, Premier of the Prov. A silver mounted mallet was presented to the Grand Master by the Architect Bro. Lines.”
1908, June 9th: Lethbridge Public School Lethbridge
“The Corner Stone of the Lethbridge Public School was laid by M.W. Bro. G.H. Hogbin, Grand Master, assisted by the Grand Officers according to the rules and usages of the Craft, in the presence of a large concourse of Masonic brethren and citizens of Lethbridge.” [report of Grand Secretary to 1909 Grand Lodge.]
1908, July 9th: Calgary Public School Calgary
1909, September 6th: Claresholm Public School Claresholm
Performed by M.W. Bro. J.T. Macdonald, Grand Master.
“After the singing of an ode, His Worship The Mayor of Claresholm, Mr. A.W. Frost, welcomed the Grand Lodge and concluded a very appropriate address by presenting, on behalf of the School Board and Town Council, a handsome silver trowel to the Grand Master with which to conduct the exercises of laying the corner stone.”
“ . . in the year 1909 a brick school was built in the town and the cornerstone was laid by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Alberta, M.W. Bro. J.T. Macdonald. When the school was razed several years ago to make room for a more modern structure it was discovered that the cavity in the stone contained a scroll signed by the Grand Secretary, M.W. Bro. George Macdonald containing a long list of dignitaries who were then governing the Dominion and the Province, “in the eighth year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Edward VII, King of Great Britain, Ireland and the colonies.” [Collett: A History of the G.L. of Alberta]
1910, April 20th: St. Pancras Anglican Church Alix, Alberta
Performed by M.W. Bro. J.T. Macdonald, Grand Master.
April 20th, 1910: A Special Meeting of Grand Lodge was held in the Village of Alix, called for 2 P.M. in the afternoon, for the purpose of laying the cornerstone of the newly constructed St. Pancras Anglican Church.
Lodge opened at 2 P.M. and immediately went to refreshment for the purpose of going to the train station and meeting the incoming Grand Master and other expected Grand Lodge officers in a body. Both the Grand Master and the D.D.G.M., R.W. Bro. John A. Jackson (from Ponoka), were on the train. Other “Old Timers” included W. Bro. W.F. Puffer from Lacombe, W. Bro. S. Patterson, of Calgary, who acted as Director of Ceremonies. Other notables included: Fredericks, Clark, Dr. Aunger, Thibideau.
The Brethren proceeded to the formal laying of the cornerstone. The Chairman of the Church Board, H.W. Panrucker, then introduced the Grand Master and presented him with a handsome silver trowel (a gift of Ionic Lodge No. 45), with which to conduct the exercises of laying of the cornerstone.
A banquet was also held and a large number of ladies were present. The M.W. Grand Master gave two eloquent addresses in the afternoon and evening.
1910, October 10th: Carmangay School Building Carmangay
Performed by M.W. Bro. J.T. Macdonald, P.G.M., acting G.M.
The cornerstone of the Carmangay Public School was laid by M.W.Bro. J.T. MacDonald, Past Grand Master, assisted by other Grand Lodge officers, and in the presence of a large gathering of brethren and citizens of the Village of Carmangay, and district.
1911, May 17th: Bassano School Building Bassano
Performed by M.W. Bro. J.T. Macdonald, P.G.M., acting G.M.
[At the Grand Lodge Annual Communication of 1912, M.W. Bro. Macdonald, P.G.M. explained to Grand Lodge that during the term of office of M.W. Bro. J.J. Dunlop, Bro. Dunlop was unable through illness to be present at the laying of the cornerstone of the new school at Bassano, where he had promised to officiate. M.W.Bro. J.T. Macdonald had acted for him and now presented him with a handsome silver trowel suitably engraved as a memento of that event. M.W.Bro. Dunlop, taken completely by surprise by these gifts, replied very feelingly, though not equal to the surprise of the moment.]
1912, April 18th: New Elm Street Public School building Medicine Hat
The laying of this cornerstone was at the joint requests of both Lodges of Medicine Hat. The ceremony was performed by M.W. Bro. Canon Hogbin, P.G.M., acting Grand Master. The Grand Master, T. McNabb, had promised to lay the corner stone, but unfortunately, having met with an accident, was forced to depute the task to P.G.M. Rev. Canon Hogbin.
“I very much regretted my inability to be present, and perform what to me would have been a pleasing ceremony, owing particularly to the fact that Medicine Hat was my first home in the province, coming here in June 1885, and since then have been closely associated, not only with the members of our Order, but with the citizens generally, and have seen the growth from a prairie shack town to that of a beautiful and hustling little city.” [Thomas McNabb, Grand Master, in his address to 1912 Grand Lodge.]
[The School Board presented the acting Grand Master with a handsome silver trowel, beautifully engraved, commemorative of the occasion.]
1912, July 12th: Public School Okotoks
Performed by M.W. Bro. Robert Patterson, Grand Master.
“At the conclusion of the ceremony I was presented by the School Board with a very handsome trowel as a memento of the occasion. Afterward we were entertained at a banquet by the members of the School Board and a most enjoyable evening was spent.” [Grand Master in his Address to 1913 Grand Lodge]
1914, July 30th: St. Ambrose Anglican Church Redcliff
Performed by M.W. Bro. O.W. Kealy, P.G.M.
1915, September 6th: New Provost Public School Provost
Performed by M.W. Bro. S.Y. Taylor, Grand Master
The Grand Lodge officers proceeded from the Lodge Hall, “joined by the Provost Band, the Public School staff and children marching to the school grounds, where everything had been put in readiness for the ceremony by Mr. C. Pettifer, of Calgary, the Architect and Contractor of the Building.” [1915 G.L. Proceedings]
“I was presented with the handsome gavel with which I am now ruling Grand Lodge.” [S.Y. Taylor, G.M. in his 1916 Address to Grand Lodge]
“Later when the old school was torn down the Lodge recovered the cornerstone and placed it in their Lodge Room.” [Collett: A History of the G.L. of Alberta, p. 33]
1920, September 29th: Gordon Memorial Church Redcliff
Performed by M.W. Bro. J.H.W.S. Kemmis, Grand Master.
The minister of this church was the pioneer Rev. W. Shearer.
“The brethren acting as Grand Lodge officers having received the necessary directions, Grand Lodge was called off and a procession was formed, under the Grand Director of Ceremonies, and marched to the site in the prescribed order, taking their proper positions at the North East corner of the building.” [from Grand Master’s 1921 Address to Grand Lodge.]
1922, July 19th: Bashaw Public and High School Bashaw
“Very early after assuming the duties of Grand Master a communication was received from the Public School Board of the Village of Bashaw through R.W. Bro. James A. Marshall, P.D.D.G.M., and Secretary of Fidelity Lodge No. 76, Bashaw, requesting that the corner-stone of the new Public and High School building, then in course of construction at Bashaw, might be laid on July 19th according to the Craft ceremonies. The invitation was gladly accepted as it afforded an opportunity for the Craft to evince their continued interest in all matters pertaining to education. Probably no other subject is today of such vital concern to the welfare of our people or is causing so much searching of heart on the part of all classes of our citizenship as education. We as Masons ought to devote our best thought and energies in finding solutions of the many problems presented today in the field of education. As I was obliged to be absent from the Province on the date fixed for the ceremony, I had pleasure in requesting M.W. Bro. J. Watson Younge, immediate Past Grand Master, to conduct the ceremony of laying this corner-stone. . . . “ [M.W. Bro. Frederick S. Selwood, G.M., in his Address to 1923 Grand Lodge.]
1924, October 23rd: New Masonic Temple of Cascade Lodge #5 Banff
Performed by M.W. Bro. Frederick S. Selwood, P.G.M.
[”I am informed”, said Horace P. Reid, Grand Master in his annual Address, “that this building is the finest Masonic structure in the province.”]
1925, June 24th: United Church of Canada Pincher Creek
Laid by M.W. Bro. S.Y. Taylor, P.G.M., acting G.M.
In 1925 the Board of Stewards of the Pincher Creek United Church invited Spitzie Lodge to lay the cornerstone of the new church on June 24th. This was the first United Church to be built in Canada. At a special meeting on June the 24th the ceremony was performed. The procession formed at the Masonic Hall and marched to the church where the ceremony of laying the cornerstone was done in a very impressive manner by the Grand Master M.W.Bro. S.Y. Taylor.
The oration on this historic occasion was delivered by M.W.Bro. S.Y. Taylor, Grand Secretary, who after laying the Cornerstone, dealt in a masterly manner with the great traditions of Masonry, tracing from the actual building of the great cathedrals of Europe in the early days to the laying of this cornerstone. The Grand Master was presented with a mantel clock suitably engraved.
1926, August 21: Masonic Hall of King George Lodge #59 Calgary
Laid by M.W. Bro. T.F. English, G.M.
This Lodge Hall was located at Kennsington Road, in Calgary.
[REMOVAL CEREMONY: On May 26th, 1985, necessitated by their move to a new Masonic home, this Cornerstone was removed is a special ceremony. The ceremonies commenced with a memorial service for all members of the Lodge who had passed to the Grand Lodge Above since the hall was opened. This was followed by a history of the hall. The reading of the original corner stone ceremony of 1926 was given , with early slides of the Lodge Hall were shown. At the conclusion of the activities, the time capsule from the corner stone was opened before the assembled Brethren. The capsule contained a Calgary Herald of Aug. 20th, 1926, the special notice calling the meeting for the laying of the stone, a regular Lodge Notice, the By-laws of the Lodge, a list of members in attendance on the day, coins of King George, the speech of M.W.Bro. English, G.M.,. Never before in Alberta had a Masonic corner stone been removed.]
1926, October 7th: Masonic Hall of Innisfail Lodge #8 Innisfail
Performed by M.W. Bro. N.E. Carruthers, P.G.M., acting G.M.
R.W. Bro. W.H. Jackson, on behalf of the W.M. and Innisfail Lodge, welcomed the acting Grand Master and presented him with a gavel suitably inscribed.
1927, June 10: United Church Banff
Performed by M.W. Bro. Geo. E. Cruickshank, G.M.
“Brief historical and congratulatory addresses were delivered by R.W. Bro. (Dr.) R.G. Brett, Bro. (Rev) Geo. A. Dickson and the Pastor of the Church, also by M.W. Bro. S.Y. Taylor, Grand Secretary, outlining the relation which Masonry Bears to religion. The procession was re-formed and the brethren returned to the lodge room, where Grand Lodge was closed in ample form.” [from 1927 Proceedings of the Special Communication]
1927, August 23: United Church Stettler
Performed by M.W. Bro. S.Y. Taylor, P.G.M.
1927, August 36th: Masonic Hall of Corinthian Lodge No. 22 Okotoks
Performed by M.W. Bro. Geo. E. Cruickshank, G.M.
1927, September 6th: Masonic Hall of Camrose Lodge No. 37 Camrose
Performed by M.W. Bro. Geo. E. Cruickshank, G.M., assisted by R.W.Bro. H.V. Phipps, D.D.G.M., District #5, M.W.Bro. Taylor, and other Grand Lodge officers.
“In 1950 the building was renovated to accommodate the Bank of Montreal. The Masons very carefully removed the cornerstone and placed it in their Lodge room as a reminder of the early days.” [Collett: A History of the G.L. of Alberta, p. 29]
1928, February 4th: Knox Presbyterian Church Calgary
Performed by M.W. Bro. W.M. Connacher, P.G.M., as Acting G.M.
An address of welcome and appreciation was delivered by Rev. S. Bacon Hillocks.
1928, April 18th: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge
Performed by M.W. Bro. Geo. E. Cruickshank, G.M.
This ceremony was laid by the members of the various Masonic Lodges in Lethbridge. Addresses were delivered by Mayor Hardie, the Hon. Perrin Baker, M.W. Bro. F.S. Selwood, and Dr. Lovering.
”In the evening, the School Board of the City of Lethbridge were hosts at a banquet at which the Grand Lodge Officers and many of the brethren were present, when very excellent and inspiring addresses were delivered and a musical program enjoyed. I am also very grateful to the Lethbridge School Board for the beautiful trowel presented to me as a mark of their favor and esteem.” [from G.M.’s 1928 Address to Grand Lodge]
1928, June 2nd: Masonic Hall of St. Marks Lodge No. 118 Calgary
Performed by M.W. Bro. Geo. E. Cruickshank, G.M.
“A cornerstone of polished Finland Granite was donated by Bro. James McDonald, a master stone cutter. . . . Recently when the building was torn down to accommodate a Senior Citizen’s Apartment building in which a Lodge Hall was to be incorporated the original cornerstone was salvaged and relaid by M.W. Bro. R.L. Costigan, then Grand Master.” [Collett: History of the G.L. of Alberta, p. 50]
“The brethren of this lodge are to be congratulated in their determination to procure a suitable Masonic home; . . . I wish to tender them my sincere thanks and appreciation for the beautiful gavel which they presented me with as a reminder to that happy occasion.” [The Grand Master in his 1928 Address to Grand Lodge]
1928, June 13th: New Masonic Temple (12th Ave. S.W.) Calgary
Performed by M.W. Bro. George Cruickshank, Grand Master.
The ceremony was largely attended. Bro. F.E. Osborne, then the Mayor of Calgary, was in attendance. During the ceremony the temporary platform holding the dignitaries collapsed and some of them fell to the basement.
Platform Collapses; Masons Have Narrow Escape from Injury
Seventy Lodgemen Hurled 16 Feet to Ground When
Structure Gives Way
All Calgary Masonic lodges were represented at the ceremony Wednesday of the laying of the stone of the new Masonic temple on Twelfth avenue west, Calgary, when hundreds saw the collapse of the temporary platform on which about seventy members of the Grand Lodge of Alberta had crowded. It was some moments before the spectators realized that a disaster might have occurred, and they stood silent and without moving for a little time after the first crack and break of timbers and the sudden swallowing up of the Grand lodgemen.
By a remarkable good fortune, no lives were lost, though H.R. Chauncey, well known Calgary Mason, was seriously hurt and had to be taken to the hospital where he was attended by Dr. J.V. Follett, one of the spectators of the accident.
They were dropped 16 feet to the bottom of the basement, and J.R. Chauncey, well known Calgary citizen, broke his ankle and hurt his back in the accident. Practically every other man on the platform was cut, bruised or torn, but within two or three minutes the ceremony proceeded quietly.
The corner stone was laid by Grand Master George E. Cruickshank of Hillcrest, assisted by Senior Grand Warden Rev. Canon. S.H. Middleton, Cardston, and Junior Grand Warden Dr. S.N. Snedden, Edmonton. The director of ceremonies was Harry Allen, Calgary, and the procession of Grand lodgemen was led by P. Fielding, Mulga, from the Palliser hotel, where they are holding their annual communication, to the site of their new temple. [excerpts from Calgary Herald, June 14th, 1928]
1928, August 1st; Irricana Lodge #137 Irricana
Laid by M.W. Bro. A.M. Mitchell, Grand Master, with a number of Grand Lodge officers in attendance.
A number of brethren from Carbon, Rockford, Rosebud and other points were in attendance.
1928, November 15th: Rockyford #123, Masonic Lodge, Rockyford
Laid by M.W. Selwood, acting Grand Master
1929, August 24th: Acacia Lodge #11, Masonic Hall Edmonton
Laid by M.W. Bro S.H. Middleton, Grand Master.
Addresses were by the Mayor, the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. H.C. Taylor, and others.
1930, November 1st: Edmonton Central Masonic Temple Edmonton
Performed by M.W. Bro. S.M. Snedden, G.M.
[”I was pleased to receive an invitation to lay the corner stone. I summoned Grand Lodge for the occasion and it was most gratifying to note the meticulous care with which the details were arranged for such an assembly of the brethren. In the presence of a splendid gathering of Masons and their friends on November 1, 1930, the cornerstone of Edmonton’s Central Masonic Temple was duly laid. We were honored on the occasion by the presence on the platform of His Honor William Egbert, Lieutenant Governor of the Province, the Premier of the Province, the Honorable J.E. Brownlee, J.T.J. Collison, representing the Mayor of the City of Edmonton, and a number of other distinguished friends and Masons. At the conclusion of the ceremony I was made the recipient of an engraved silver trowel as a memento, something which I shall always cherish as a reminder of what was, I believe, one of the most important events in my year as Grand Master.” - from the 1931 address to Grand Lodge of the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. S.M. Snedden.]
In 1934, the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. J Martland, refused a request to lay a corner stone because the time allowed was not sufficient to convene Grand Lodge for the purpose
1937, November 2: Vermilion Lodge Masonic Temple Vermilion
Performed by R.W. Bro. A. West.
1955, May 18th: Red Deer Masonic Temple Red Deer
Performed by M.W. Bro. Rev. Peter Dawson, G.M.
[The Mayor of Red Deer, J.W. Halladay, addressed the 300 Brethren present. Following the ceremony the G.M. , and the Brethren, were entertained at a banquet and in the evening a joint meeting of Red Deer Lodge No. 12, and Kennilworth Lodge No. 29, was held to receive the M.W. the Grand Master and his Officers. The Red Deer Masonic Temple was completed in February 1955, and occupied by the two Red Deer Lodges, but the Ceremony of Laying the Cornerstone was postponed until the weather was more suitable for an outdoor gathering. (E.H. Rivers, Grand Secretary)]
1964, May 1st. High River Masonic Memorial Temple High River
Performed by M.W.Bro. Sam Hardin, G.M.
The ceremony was carried out in the presence of some 500 members of the three bodies who erected the Temple, Cornerstone Lodge No. 19, Golden West Chapter No. 5, Royal Arch Masons, and Occidental Chapter No. 12, Order of the Eastern Star, and Visitors.
1965, October 16th: Vegreville Masonic Temple Vegreville
Performed by M.W. A.J.G. Lauder, G.M.
“The laying of the cornerstone of the Temple of St. John’s Lodge No. 25 in Vegreville by M.W. Bro. A.J.G. Lauder and assisted by R.W. Bro. E.H. Rivers, Grand Secretary, and other Grand Lodge Officers was a highlight of the year.” [Chas. W. Boyce, D.D.G.M. District No. 10] [Following the close of the ceremony the M.W. the Grand Master and his Officers were entertained to a banquet.]
1976, April 10th: Bennett Memorial Masonic Temple Kitscoty, Alberta
Performed by M.W. Bro. W.A. Milligan, Grand Master
“It has been many years since we had the opportunity of seeing a cornerstone laying ceremony and as your Grand Master I was very pleased with the efforts of those who assisted me on this occasion.”[M.W. Bro. Wm. A. Milligan, G.M., in his Address to Grand Lodge]
1977, November 2nd: Medicine Hat Masonic Temple Medicine Hat
Performed by M.W. Bro. K.L. Crockett, Grand Master
“Not only was the wind blowing at its most violent worst, but the day was frigid with cold. Notwithstanding, it was a memorable occasion for all who attended. And they came from all corners of the Province for this auspicious occasion.”
“May the three lodges in Medicine Hat long cherish the day on which they decided to share their futures together!” From the 1978 Address of M.W. Bro. Crockett, G.M., to Grand Lodge]
The ceremony was efficiently performed with the V.W. Grand Chaplain, with Bro. Rabbi Ginsberg in attendance.
1978, September 5th: New St Mark’s Masonic Temple Calgary
Performed by M.W. Bro. R.L. Costigan, Grand Master
The original building, housing St. Mark’s Masonic Hall, was resently torn down to accommodate a Senior Citizens Apartment building in which a Lodge Hall was to be incorporated.
“This was the second laying of the same cornerstone, for when St. Mark’s Lodge had torn down the old building earlier that year it preserved the original cornerstone.” [Collett: A History of the GL of Alberta, p 107]
1983, June 1st: Forestburg Masonic Temple Village of Forestburg
Performed by M.W. Bro. Stanley Harbin, G.M.
[The Grand Master and his officers were entertained at a banquet followed by a dance.]
1985, October 12th: King George Masonic Temple Calgary
Performed by M.W. Bro. William Graves, Grand Master
This was a relaying of the cornerstone, which, on August 26, 1926, had been originally laid in the construction of the first King George Masonic Hall, located at Kensington Road. The Grand Master and his officers and visitors were entertained at a banquet followed by a dance.
1988, March 30: Meridian Lodge Hall Stony Plain
Performed by M.W. Bro. Robert E. Juthner, Grand Master
This was a combined Cornerstone laying and Dedication of their lodge premises.
1989, April 29th: Hinton Lodge Hall Hinton
Performed by M.W. Bro. D.A. Bruce, Grand Master
This was a combined Cornerstone laying and Dedication of their new Lodge Hall at Hinton. After the completion of the Cornerstone Laying, the assembly returned to the Lodge Room and the Dedication Ceremony was conducted by the Grand Master and his Officers.
“The Brethren of Hinton Lodge No. 178 are to be commended for their outstanding efforts in planning, developing, and constructing this magnificent edifice.”
“After the completion of the Cornerstone Laying, the assembly returned to the Lodge Room and the Dedication Ceremony was conducted by the Grand Master and his officers.”
1991, May 11th: Drayton Valley Masonic Hall Drayton Valley
Performed by M.W. Bro. D.R. Millar, Grand Master
This was a combined Cornerstone laying and Dedication of their new Lodge Hall.
The building had been earlier been the Safety building of an oil company, and had been purchased for $1.00, then moved onto a newly poured concrete basement, and fully renovated. The Masonic Lodge room was in the basement, with the main floor being the banquet hall, festive board and community hall.
The public ceremony was well attended by up to 70 people, followed by a catered banquet for the Grand Master and Grand Lodge officers in attendance.
1991, June 1st: Jasper Park Lodge Hall Town of Jasper
Performed by M.W. Bro. D.R. Millar, Grand Master
This was a combined Cornerstone laying of Jasper Park Lodge Hall and to Dedicate the Lodge Room of that Lodge Hall.
1991, November 2nd: Cairo Lodge No. 32 Lodge Room and Community Centre Claresholm
Performed by M.W. Bro. Calvin D. Shaver, G.M.
This was a combined Cornerstone laying and Dedication of the Lodge Room of that Community Centre.
”In attendance were 16 Grand Lodge officers plus 65 members representing 21 Lodges in this Jurisdiction as per the Tyler’s Register of that meeting.”
1996, November 2nd: Drumheller Freemasons’ Hall Drumheller
Performed by M.W. Bro. Basile Costouros, Grand Master
This was a combined ceremony of dedicating the Lodge room and also the public ceremony of cornerstone laying and grand opening of the new Freemasons’ Hall and Keystone Towers.
Keystone Towers is a new 27 suite retirement condominium complex built on the site of the old Lodge Hall. The new Masonic Hall and adjacent banquet room with fully equipped kitchen are located on the main floor of the building. The banquet facilities are available for use of the residents when not in use by the Lodges.
The project is managed by the Keystone Society, made up of members of Symbol Lodge No. 93, Drumheller Lodge No. 146, Eheyeh Chapter No. 27, RAM, and Ruth Chapter No. 55, O.E.S.
In attendance at the cornerstone laying were 8 Past Grand Masters and 28 other Grand Lodge officers, nearly 200 Lodge brethren, plus federal, provincial and municipal officials.
1997, October 26 (Sunday) St. Thomas United Church of Canada Calgary
(100 Hawkwood Boulevard N.W., Calgary)
Performed by M.W. Bro. Hugh Young, Grand Master
The ceremony of opening Grand Lodge, conducted by the Grand Master, commenced at 10:15 A.M. in the Mountain View Room, St. Thomas Church. The service of dedicating the cornerstone, was conducted by the United Church Minister, Rev. Geoff Carr, and the ceremony of laying the cornerstone, which was a public ceremony with a large number of spectators present, commenced at 11:15 A.M.
“Following the church service, when the minister, Rev. Geoff Carr very appropriately referred to the building of King Solomon’s Temple, the Grand Master, MW Bro. Hugh Young conducted the impressive ceremony of laying the cornerstone. He was ably assisted by the DDGM, RW Bro. Jim Roberts, the SGW, RW Bro. Art Jones, the JGW, RW Bro. Gerry Webber, the GDC, VW Bro. Cor de Keyser, Past Grand Masters Bob Costigan, Robert Juthner and Cal Shaver, and other distinguished Brethren. Great credit for this occasion has to go to Bro. Roger Anderson, of Carstairs Lodge No. 20, who, with other Carstairs members also being members of the congregation had initiated the idea of the Masonic Cornerstone laying.” [Grand Lodge Bulletin, Vol. 63, No. 1, January 1998]
NOTE: The Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Hugh Young, in his report to Grand Lodge, pointed out that this appears to be the first non-Masonic building cornerstone laying which has occurred in Alberta since the late 1920's.
1998, Sunday, May 24th, Balzac United Church of Canada Balzac
Performed by M.W. Bro. HughYoung, Grand Master.
The ceremony of Opening Grand Lodge, conducted by M.W.Bro. Young and his officers, commenced at 9:30 A.M., in the Balzac Community Hall, across the road from the Church and immediately south. The Ceremony of Laying The Cornerstone, was a public ceremony, and commenced at 10:45 A.M. The service of Dedicating the Cornerstone was performed by the United Church Minister, Rev. Gordon Saville. An informal reception followed.