Our Activities

Square & Compass imposed on a flaming torch (beacon)

Regular Meetings

Beacon #190 is a Canadian Rite Lodge meeting on the 4th Monday of each month, except July, August, and December.  On the 1st Saturday in December, we hold the annual Installation of Officers and Ladies night. Lodge tyles at 7:30 pm and is often preceded by a dinner starting at 6:30 pm.  On Degree nights there is no dinner and Lodge tyles at 7:00 pm.  Parking is available on the front street (parking meters on weekdays to 5 pm) and in the parking lot after 5:30 pm

Steaming coffee mug with donut

Wednesday Lunch

Check the "Upcoming Events" page for updates.

Saturday Breakfast

Check the "Upcoming Events" page for details.

Robert Burns wearing a Masonic apron

Burns Night;

Beacon #190 has been hosting a Robbie Burns dinner every January since the Lodge's origin in 1963.  Held in conjunction with the January meeting (4th Monday).

Check the "Upcoming Events" page for details & ticket information

Square & Compass imposed on a flaming torch (beacon)

Masonic Family Picnic

Every Fall we gather at the Yakimetz residence to enjoy Dave's pit roasted beef on a bun, with all the extras.

Check the "Upcoming Events" page for details

Square and compass using 2 knives and 2 forks

Table Lodge;

While there is not a stated meeting in July, the Brethren help to pass the summer with a Table Lodge.

Check the "Upcoming Events" page for details

Gordon Young

November 11th
Remembrance Day

Beacon #190 joins with the other two Lodges in Red Deer, plus the O.E.S. and the Shrine to lay wreaths for Remembrance Day.

Xmas Tree

Widows and Wives
Christmas Brunch
& Family Toy Drive

Widows, Wives & Kids welcome the Masonic Family to celebrate the season and to donate & wrap gifts for kids in need.

Check the "Upcoming Events" page for details.

Grand Lodge of Alberta Annual Communication

2nd weekend in June

See the Grand Lodge of Alberta website for details